Yancy, LaRosa receive 2024 PPN Leadership & Early Career Excellence Awards

I am pleased to announce (after some delay) that George Yancy (Emory University) and Emily LaRosa (Michigan State University) have been awarded PPN’s 2024 Leadership and Early Career Excellence Awards. We received a number of outstanding nominations, but the decision of the committee was unanimous.

George Yancy needs no introduction. From his field-defining African-American Philosophers: 17 Conversations (Routledge: 1998), to over 100 publications for a general audience in venues ranging from Truthout to The New York Times, to his participation in multiple documentaries (including most recently Yance Ford’s Power, a critical history of policing), Yancy is one of the most prolific and impactful public philosophers of our time. In her nominating letter, Nancy McHugh writes of Yancy’s interviews, “Frequently George is interviewing incredibly high profile philosophers, such as Cornel West and Judith Butler. However, he also creates a space and readership for less well-known, but also important philosophers, such as Todd Franklin and Christina Wheeler. Multiple important things happen for philosophy from this work: 1. It shows how philosophy and philosophers are ready and adept at engaging critical social issues. 2. It shows that it is not just the ‘heavy hitters’ that are poised to be engaging in public facing work. Many philosophers are positioned to do so.” Yancy is a model of how to practice, in the words of his keynote address at the 2018 Night of Philosophy, “philosophy with a human face.” No one could possibly deserve this Leadership Award more than him.

In recognition of her innovative, high-impact work with a range of community partners in artificial intelligence and robotics, Emily LaRosa has received the Early Career Excellence Award. LaRosa, a graduate student at Michigan State University, is currently serving as a member of AgAID, an NSF/USDA-NIFA working group, on issues across the world of agriculture, land management, and AI adoption, with her own focus on autonomous harvesting systems. As Samantha Noll wrote in her nominating letter, “She is investigating how to best anticipate social concerns, pushing for inclusivity, and usefully responding to system concerns which arise to ensure a healthful deployment of a system. When I met her at extension events, Emily LaRosa was shadowing a robotics lab that houses an AI created to meet manual labor needs, and helping to determine what ethical questions are not being asked. As an embedded public philosopher in this lab, she is helping to create guidelines of inquiry into a system’s impacts and to anticipate potential frictions and negative outcomes prior to a systems deployment. I saw firsthand how important LaRosa’s research was, as various stakeholders, from labor union leaders to roboticists sought her out for her ethical and epistemological expertise, when grappling with troubling impacts in the field.”

Excellent public philosophy is not always as celebrated within the field as it should be. We hope the PPN Awards can do something to change that.

Please join me in congratulating George and Emily!

CFP: Public Philosophy Network Events Sponsorships, Fall 2024

The Public Philosophy Network is offering awards of up to $1000, as well as promotional support, to philosophers organizing public philosophy events.

Applications will close on Friday, November 15th, 2024: APPLY HERE!

The events can be public-facing events working with communities outside of academic philosophy, or they can be events for public philosophers themselves. Early career philosophers, philosophy students, and philosophers working both inside and outside of academia are all encouraged to apply!

PPN is open to sponsoring a broad range of events, but applicants should consider how their proposals relate to PPN's mission: "to support philosophers who use their concepts and skills to serve communities outside of academia and to make positive changes in society; to reflect on how philosophy is transformed by various types of public engagement; [and] to support institutional changes supportive of publicly engaged work." 

Past PPN events may provide some additional guidance. Applicants proposing public-facing events should also consider PPN’s best practices for public philosophy events.

Only current PPN members are eligible to apply. Become a PPN member on our website

Please feel encouraged to share this call. If you have any questions, reach out to Jana McAuliffe, chair of the PPN Events committee, at jxmcauliffe@ualr.edu or Ian Olasov, President of PPN, at ianolasov@gmail.com.

PPN election results!

The results are in from our most recent election! Please join me in welcoming:

Our new vice president/president-elect, Jeanne Proust;

our new secretary, Michaila Peters;

and our four new governing board members, Ellie Anderson, Kim Díaz, Jana McAuliffe, and Mike Menser!

These are some really excellent, high-energy public philosophers - we're lucky to have them on board. I'm looking forward to working with them over the next couple of years.

I'm also happy to report that we passed two amendments to the bylaws, tidying up the process for handling vacancies in leadership positions and managing the member rolls.

Thank you again to everyone for voting! As always, if there's ever any way PPN can help you do what you do, please don't hesitate to reach out.


Ian Olasov

President, Public Philosophy Network

Workshop on Public Philosophy with the City

Very excited to announce our upcoming (free) workshop on Public Philosophy with the City, co-organized with the Philosophy of the City Research Group!

Some of the most exciting and innovative work in public philosophy today deals with power in the city. What can philosophers do for and with cities? How can public philosophers develop working relationships with city governments and community groups? What philosophical questions does this work involve? What challenges and opportunities does it present? On Tuesday, August 13th at 1:00 PM EDT, four publicly engaged philosophers of the city - Sarah Gelbard, Mike Menser, Darien Pollock, and Ron Sundstrom - come together to explore these questions.

See the flyer below! Share with anyone you think might be interested! Register here for the Zoom link! See you there!

Merlin CCC awarded PPN Events Sponsorship for Fall 2023

The PPN Events Committee is very pleased to announce that Marisa Diaz-Waian and Mitch Conway of Merlin CCC have won the PPN Events Sponsorship award for Fall 2023. Merlin CCC, a dynamic public philosophy organization based in Helena, Montana, is developing an interview and discussion series on homelessness in Helena, culminating in a short film.

We received a number of excellent submissions from public philosophers working with under-served communities around the globe. It was not easy to choose between them.

We’ll share more details with you as the project unfolds, but for now: congratulations to Marisa, Mitch, and the Merlin CCC team! We are proud to help make this urgent, creative project a reality.

Public Philosophy Network Events Sponsorship - Fall 2023

The Public Philosophy Network is offering grants of up to $1000, as well as promotional support, to philosophers organizing public philosophy events. The events can be public-facing events working with communities outside of academic philosophy, as part of PPN's Philosophy for Everyone series. They can also be events for public philosophers themselves. Early career philosophers, philosophy students, and philosophers working both inside and outside of academia are all encouraged to apply.

PPN is open to sponsoring a broad range of events, but applicants should consider how their proposals relate to PPN's mission: "to support philosophers who use their concepts and skills to serve communities outside of academia and to make positive changes in society; to reflect on how philosophy is transformed by various types of public engagement; [and] to support institutional changes supportive of publicly engaged work." Past PPN events may provide some additional guidance. Applicants proposing public-facing events should also consider our guidelines for best practices, available here.

Please apply here! Applications will close on November 13th, 2023.

Only current PPN members are eligible to apply. To become a PPN member, please visit our website: https://www.publicphilosophynetwork.net/membership 

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to PPN President Ian Olasov at ianolasov@gmail.com.

2023 PPN Conference: Facing Technology

Registration for the 7th Public Philosophy Network Conference, on the theme of "Facing Technology: The Role of Public Philosophy," is now open! The conference will be hosted by the Center for Public Philosophy at the University of California, Santa Cruz, in partnership with the Baskin School of Engineering and the UC Santa Cruz Humanities Division.

Please register here.

The conference dates are September 8-10, 2023. The deadline for registration is August 11, 2023.

Check out the conference program below!

CFP for Pacific APA Group Session

The Public Philosophy Network group session

at the 2024 Pacific Division Meeting of the APA

The Public Philosophy Network is inviting proposals for the group session at the upcoming Pacific Division meeting of the American Philosophical Association, to be held March 20th to 23rd, 2024 in Portland, Oregon. We are interested in proposals for individual papers, traditional sessions (a set of papers on a common topic to be presented and discussed), and/or workshops (interactive sessions designed to teach participants how to practice innovative or under-recognized forms of public philosophy).

Possible topics include:

  • Reflections on the philosophical significance of the practice of public philosophy

  • The history of public philosophy

  • Comparative or global approaches to public philosophy

  • The relationship between philosophy and activism

  • Empirical studies of the impact of public philosophy projects

  • Public engagement surrounding ethics and technology

  • Reports on innovative public philosophy projects

Proposals for individual papers should include a title, the name and affiliation of the presenter, and an abstract of no more than 300 words. Proposals for traditional sessions should include the name of the session, the title of each paper, the name and affiliation of the presenter(s) of each paper, and an abstract for each paper of no more than 300 words. Proposals for workshops should include a title, the name and affiliation of the workshop facilitators, and a description of the goals and activities to be conducted at the workshop of no more than 300 words. (Proposals will be anonymized for review internally.)

Proposals should be emailed to PPN Vice President Ian Olasov (ianolasov@gmail.com) no later than September 13th, 2023. Submitters will be notified whether their proposals have been accepted by September 27th.

PPN Affiliate Session at Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy Annual Meeting

PPN will host a session at the 2023 SAAP annual meeting in Denver on

Pragmatism Gets Outdoors

Chair: Zachary Piso (University of Dayton)


Samantha Noll (Washington State University), "Public Philosophy Down on the Farm: Lessons from Agricultural Pragmatism”

Amanda Corris (Wake Forest University), “A Pragmatist Lens on Outdoor Education”

Evelyn Brister (Rochester Institute of Technology), “Environmental Pragmatism and Strategies for Engaged Philosophy”

The session takes place Thursday, March 9, at 1pm.

APA Webinar on “Institutional Support for Public Philosophy: Hiring, Tenure, and Promotion”

Professional philosophers have come to see the importance of public engagement more and more in recent years. But individual philosophy departments and colleges are still figuring out how this should be reflected in procedures for hiring, tenure, and promotion. How can philosophy departments and colleges support the practice of public philosophy? What challenges do supporters of public philosophy face, and how can they be addressed? This webinar, co-organized by the Public Philosophy Network and the APA, brings together four panelists to share their ideas, experiences, and resources to help make the academy a more nurturing home for public philosophy.

The panelists for the webinar are as follows:

  • Linda Martín Alcoff, Hunter College, CUNY Graduate Center

  • A. Todd Franklin, Hamilton College

  • Sandra Lapointe, McMaster University

  • Eric Schwitzgebel, University of California, Riverside

  • Ian Olasov, Brooklyn College, CUNY Graduate Center (facilitator)

The event will be held on Tuesday, November 15, 2022 at 7 p.m. Eastern time / 4 p.m. Pacific time. To participate, click the "Register" button above. Registration will be available until 10 a.m. Eastern time / 7 a.m. Pacific time on the day of the webinar, and access information will be provided to registrants at least one hour prior to the start of the webinar. Registration is limited to current APA and Public Philosophy Network members.

Please register here to reserve your spot!