Central APA group session on Public Philosophy and Advocacy

At the Central Division Meeting of the APA in February 2021, MAP International and the Public Philosophy Network are co-sponsoring a Group Session on Public Philosophy and Activism. We are inviting submissions for brief, 5-10 minute presentations on the topic of public philosophy and activism. The session is scheduled for Saturday, February 27, 10:10am-1:10pm Central Time, and will take place virtually. The session keynote is Olufemi Taiwo (Georgetown).

Speakers have the option to present live at the session, or to pre-record their presentations (giving speakers the opportunity to incorporate video footage, music, and other media into their presentations). Possible topics for presentation include but are not limited to:

- The importance of public philosophy
- Strategies and formats for public philosophy and community engagement
- The unique role that philosophy can play in activism
- Experiences in public philosophy and activism
- How public engagement can inform the practice of philosophy

Submissions can be made using this Google form. The application is not intended to be selective -- we plan on accepting as many speakers as our session time allows. The deadline for submissions is Friday, January 15. We will notify speakers by January 25.

Please send any questions and comments regarding submissions to mapforthegap@gmail.com.