The 6th PPN Conference is taking place virtually on Oct. 21-23. The theme is “Engagement, Policy, Practice.” Please join us! The conference website is here.
Plenary Sessions:
“Climate Change and Our Common Future.” Speakers are Andrew Light (Assistant Secretary for International Affairs, U.S. Department of Energy) and David Morrow (American University and George Mason University).
Thursday, Oct. 21, 1pm - 3pm
“Science and Technology for the Public Interest.” Speakers are David Rodin, (Principia Advisory and University of Oxford), Tony Pfaff (U.S. Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute), and Rachel Gillum (Salesforce, Office of Ethical and Humane Use and Stanford University)
Friday, Oct. 22, 1:15pm - 3pm
“Bioethics and Forms of Public Philosophy.” Speakers are Jonathan Moreno (University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine), Nita Farahany (Duke University, School of Law), and Anita L. Allen (University of Pennsylvania, School of Law and Department of Philosophy)
Saturday, Oct. 23, 4pm - 5:30pm
Plenaries are free and open. Attendance at the general program, including panels and interactive workshops requires registration here.